Whether you’re selling your own home or whether you’re an estate agent selling many homes, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of a sale, general maintenance is one of them – people aren’t predisposed to buying a house if the garden gate...
We are all different and what motivates me might not motivate you, and vice versa, but we do seem to be more united in our appreciation of a clean home. For some of our customers a clean home means more time to do the things they truly enjoy – that, rather than DIY...
Before you move into a new home, what’s the very first thing you need to do – before unpacking even a single box? You need to clean. Because, without pre occupation cleaning, you’re simply moving into and living in someone else’s dirt – not a great thought is it? And...
We all know we should be hygiene cleaning our carpets regularly – the lurgy hiding in the carpet pile is beyond awful, particularly if you have pets in and out all day long. So, while we know this should be on our agendas, at the very least once a year, which option...
We all know how important regular carpet cleaning is, but we tend to forget that hard wood floors need special attention too – dirt and grime can just as easily get stuck in between slats as it can in your carpet. While wooden floors may be timeless and classic, if...