There are few things more frustrating than grass and weeds between the bricks of your paving. Not only do they make the surface look untidy, but weeds are also hard to remove.

How do weeds get into paving?

It’s important to understand how weeds get in between the paving stones in order to prevent them from growing in the future. Weeds don’t grow from the bottom up; they grow when the sand or grouting washes out allowing seedlings to fall from the top and into the spaces between your joints. Birds are also a large contributor of spreading seeds on your paving as well.

Even if you have the best laid paving, weeds are experts in finding places to grow. Even just a couple of seedlings can quickly spread throughout your entire paved area.

Despite how determined weeds can be, there are effective solutions that will prevent and deter weeds from growing.  

Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

  1. Sweep your paved area daily or weekly with a hard broom to remove weed spores and keep the general appearance of the paved area neat. A leaf blower is also a very good way to keep the area clean.
  2. Wash down your paving at least once a week, and use a detergent at least once a month to free the paving of dirt and grime. You can use any form of detergent – just ensure it is plant and grass friendly (dishwasher, clean green, etc).
  3. Surface weeds need to be removed as they grow. If you have a weed infestation then using a weed killer is advisable (Get one from your local hardware store). Just spray the weed killer on the paving leave to soak into the brick and grouting then wash off.
  4. Alternatively, you can use a natural surface weed killer solution – 1 ½ litres of white vinegar, 1 cup of table salt and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves, pour into a hand-held spray bottle and spray the solution directly on the target weeds. For weeds growing out of cracks in driveways and sidewalks, some people pour salt directly on the weeds. Or you can pour straight vinegar directly on weeds. Still others add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the recipe to help the solution stick to the weeds. is to mix ordinary vinegar with table salt and water,
  5. If you have a moss growth problem in the wet months, remembering that moss grows in damp areas were the sun does not reach. To remove the moss on clay pavers you can use bleach (a 1 part bleach to 2 parts water) poured on and the area scrubbed with a hard broom. Once you have washed off the bleach give the area a general wash with a general detergent. ( an algaecide can also be used leave to soak into the brick and then wash off)
  6. Any damaged or failing area in the paving should be fixed as soon as they are spotted so as to minimize greater and more costly damage to the paving.
  7. Sealing the paving will enhance the colours and protect it, making the cleaning of the paving much easier.”

By using these maintenance and cleaning tips, you can make your paving last much longer. However, if the problem is too large or too daunting for you, (as in the picture above – which is our latest cleaning project), contact QClean today!

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