Not to get all Emily Post or Amy Vanderbilt on you, but moving etiquette is actually a thing – trust the Americans to put a name to it. While much of it would simply be considered good manners – like organising a thorough post occupation cleaning once you’ve left your old home – it still bears remembering the dos and don’ts to ensure moving day is as seamless and stress-free as possible.
Neighbours: while you’re under no obligation to tell your neighbours that you’re moving, if moving day will impact them in some way – perhaps your removals truck will need extra space on the road that day – it is courteous to inform them. And that goes for the neighbours you’re about to make as well – leaving or arriving, you don’t want either experience to end or begin on a sour note.
Movers: make sure you’re ready for them – you don’t want to still be packing boxes while they try to move your contents, so make sure everything is organised before they arrive. If you have pets, either corral them somewhere safe or arrange to have them stay with friends so that they’re not underfoot while you’re moving out or moving in – a safer option for all concerned.
New Owners: you know how confusing it can be finding your feet in a new space, so be considerate and leave useful notes for those about to move in. If the house has any little quirks, let them know what those are; let them know what day garbage removal is or where they can find stop taps. And, if you’ve used handymen or cleaning specialists that you know do a professional job, leave those contact details too – good service should always be shared.
Hygiene cleaning: a big part of moving etiquette is cleanliness. There’s nothing worse than moving into a new space and it hasn’t been properly cleaned, and we’re not just talking debris removed and swept clean, we’re talking a proper deep pre-occupation cleaning where all the surfaces have been scrubbed, buffed and disinfected. As a courtesy, you really should arrange that for the home you’re about to vacate.
And let’s hope you’re fortunate enough to receive the same treatment on the other end, but if you’re not – sadly, manners do not maketh every man – contact QClean, professional cleaning specialists who provide a wide range of hygiene services for both residential and commercial clients in the greater Cape Town area.
So, here’s to clean homes, new neighbours and good old fashioned manners – long may they last.